Did American Indians Trespass?
Interesting story on Foxnews.com.
We all learned in grade school that the “original” Americans were those who came across the Bering Straights about 3,000 years ago. They migrated from present day Alaska to Canada, the US, Central and South America. Then the white man came from Europe, spread disease and pestilence, herded them into corrals known as reservations, raped the women and cattle, killed all the bison, cut down the pristine forests, and placed onerous taxes on all that was left standing. (Of course, we know, now, that only the last of these really happened.)
But if the Fox story is correct, the white man was only following the example set by the traditional American-Indian. 3,000 years before the Siberian Asians crossed into Alaska, this land (that’s your land, my land, etc.) was peopled with folks from Australia or Africa or thereabouts. By the time of Cortez, these Original-Original Americans had been all but wiped out or assimilated into the Siberian-American-Indian encroachers who must have spread disease and pestilence, herded the Original-Originals into corrals known as reservations, raped the women and cattle, killed all the bison, cut down the pristine forests, and placed onerous taxes on all that was left standing.
[T]hese skulls — which date to 7,500 to 11,000 years ago — were not merely anomalies but rather were the majority, supporting the hypothesis that two distinct populations colonized the Americas.
People with skulls resembling Paleo-Indians were present in Asia around 20,000 years ago, and lacking the technology to cross the Pacific Ocean by boat, they probably crossed the land bridge to Alaska several thousand years before the Siberians, said study co-author Mark Hubbe of the Universidade de São Paulo.
Wonder what Ward Churchill has to say about that?
MANUAL TRACKBACK: Jim Paine referenced this entry but didn’t get a trackback. I apoligize. Please go check out The Pirate Ballerina.