Demonic Abortionists to Desecrate Catholic Churches on Mother's Day, and It's the Church's Fault
The Church once had an ordained office to prevent irreverence
One of the deforms wrought by Vatican II was the elimination of the Holy Order of Porter. Among other duties, Porters kept infidels out of church. O, Lord, we need them now.
We’re going to look at the duties of the porter in a moment, but first let’s look at why the Church and the faithful need Porters now more than ever.
Pro-Abortionists (Antifa) Plans to Attack Catholic Masses on Mother’s Day
Breitbart News carried this story on Thursday:
Ruth Sent Us, a radical-left organization, has sent out a notice over social media of sadistic protests occurring at unknown church locations throughout metropolitan cities.
“Whether you’re a ‘Catholic for Choice,’ ex-Catholic, of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe. Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8,” the radical group tweeted on May 3.
Protests on Sunday are a part of a so-called “week of action.” Ruth Sent Us has also published the justices’ supposed home addresses online for the radical protestors to locate and therefore intimidate the justices.
“Rise up May 8-15 and beyond… At the homes of the six extremist justices, three in Virginia and three in Maryland,” its website says. “Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,” the group’s website said. “We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.”
Already, the diabolically inclined have begun desecrating Catholic churches in California, Colorado, and other states with deep Satanic roots, as seen on The Gateway Pundit:
Infanticide is the highest official sacrament of the left, ordained by the devil to inflict pain on God’s children. By killing and corrupting children, the devil seeks to destroy God’s holy family.
Dr. Taylor Marshall has more:
Misery Loves Company
But the demonic left in America isn’t satisfied with killing and corrupting children. They want us all to be complicit in these crimes against God. That’s why Roe v. Wade and federally-funded abortions are so important to them. That’s why drag-queen story hours and genital mutilation of babies is so important to them. That’s why After School Satan Clubs and satanic public school teachers are so important to them. By operating through government, every taxpayer and citizen shares in the unspeakable crimes they inspire.
As Father Ripperger said:
The demons are constantly trying to get us to commit sins–to become vicious as we have vices, so that we become weak, and then, that way, it’s easier to combat us. In that process, they want to set up an abusive relationship with us.
And that’s why the battle for Roe v. Wade. In reality, striking down Roe v. Wade will have little effect on the number of abortions in America. So ensuring the continuation of abortion has nothing to do with their rage. Rather, their rage comes from fear the pro-abortionists alone will bear all all the guilt, shame, and sin of abortion. By overturning Roe v. Wade, the nation’s citizens will be free to choose life for the first time in 50 years. By outlawing federal funding of abortion, our share of the culpability for murder diminishes and their share increases.
Because the weight of guilt for murdering children is so intolerably great, the pro-abortionists will stop at nothing to share that burden with the rest of us. They will get violent, because they have no respect for human life. They will get creative, because they voluntarily work with foul demons to manipulate human emotions.
Pro-abortionists, in concert with these legions of hell, will storm the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass this Sunday to disrupt and terrorize the bloodless recreation of Christ’s sacrifice on Golgotha.
How to Prevent Demonic Desecrations
Father Dwight Longenecker is popular on Twitter with over 44,000 followers, normally makes a lot of sense. But he recently tweeted a suggestion to Catholics to counter expected disruptions to Sunday’s Holy Mass:

All well-intentioned, but totally not Catholic. Nor wise.
The people who enter Catholic Churches to disrupt the Holy Sacrifice will be escorted by demons. No responsible parent would let his child come into close contact with the damned or the possessed. What Fr. Longenecker suggests is the spiritual equivalent of using children as human shields. The demons will gobble them up with relish. “Take the kid,” they’ll say. “Leave the cannoli.”
I would remind the good Father of Pope Pius X’s advice on how to fight the enemies of the Church:

Perhaps if the Church had taken Pope Pius X’s advice 100 years ago, the Church wouldn’t be in the decrepit state it finds itself in today.
No, Father, we don’t send our children to fight the devil in our stead. We’re not neo-cons. We’re Catholics.
In its wisdom, Holy Mother Church gave us the solution to the problem. In fact, God Himself gave us the solution millennia before the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. God instituted the order of Porter.
We learn about the order of Porter from Reverend A. Biskupek, S.V.D.: The Order of Porter: The Ostiariate—the first of the Minor Orders.
“In the Old Testament Levites were appointed to keep the gates of the tabernacle and later of the temple,” Fr. Biskupek writes. He goes on:
they also had charge of the sacred vessels (1 Paral. 9, 26). The sacredness of the house of God in the New Testament and of the vessels used for the celebration of the divine mysteries calls for at least the same care and safekeeping. The ostiarii were the doorkeepers or porters of the church. The word is derived from the Latin ostium, the door.
So, the Porter in the Catholic tradition guards the door of the church building. And that’s exactly what’s needed today. We learn more about the Porter’s history from Father Biskupek:
The office was of special importance during the times of persecution. Reliable men were needed to inform the faithful of the time and place of the divine services, to open and lock the doors, to keep out undesirables.
What could be more undesirable than demonically-obsessed abortionists who worship Satan by murdering and mutilating children?
Fr. Biskupek gives us the words of the ordination rite, instructing the Porter candidates of their duties:
Dearly beloved sons, you are about to receive the order of porter. Behold what you must do in the house of God. The duty of the porter is to ring the bells, to open the church and sacristy, and to open the book for the preacher. Take good care, therefore, lest anything in the church perish through your negligence. Open the house of God to the faithful at the appointed hours, and always shut it to unbelievers.
The rite reminds the Porters that their work is both material and spiritual:
As you open and shut with material keys the visible church, let it also be your endeavor by your word and example to shut to the devil and open to God the invisible house of God, namely, the hearts of the faithful, that they may keep in mind the word of God which they have heard and carry it out in deed. May the Lord in His mercy accomplish this in you.
Tomorrow, we need the Porters. We have needed the Porters all along. If God saw fit to ordain the Levites to this duty, who are we to turn our backs?
The Second Vatican Council unleashed many horrors upon Christ’s bride. Eliminating the Minor Orders of Exorcist and Porter opened the doors of the Church to the foul stench of sulfur from hell. The faithful must bear that burden now that Holy Church has left us open, naked, and vulnerable to the demonic.
This Is War, Not a Betty Crocker Bake-Off
I’m sure Father Longenecker meant well. I’m sure he wanted to fight aggression with love and kindness. But Father Longenecker fails to understand the seriousness of the battle we’re in. He should look to the champions of the faith, like Pope St. Pius X, not to the parish’s Ladies Guild for answers to fighting the demonic.
This is war. The devil wants to deny Christ his flock, and the devil is working through members of that flock to disrupt our journey home. The time for kindness is over, and we are more vulnerable because of the foolishness of the men who saw fit to reject God’s Word in the Second Vatican Council by eliminating two Holy Orders responsible for manning the barricades in the great war of Good vs. Evil.
If you want to bar the devil from the doors of the Church, restore the Office of Porter. And, if you want to drive the devil from the bodies and minds of the faithful, restore the Office of Exorcist.
Kindness is for fools, as Pope Pius X said. It’s time for men to man the barricades of the Church: big beefy men who protect their children’s body, minds, and souls with the ferocity of a lion.
Previously, on Hennessy’s View:
OMG!! You took the words right out of my mouth with this article!! I remember the "good ole days" with TOTAL admiration! I WANT and NEED my Church back! I can just hear my Dad and all of his ruminations prior to his death in 2004!! He wouldn't believe how the EVIL leadership in the Church are hell bent on destroying the sacredness of the Church! GOD HELP US AND SAVE US FROM THIS EVIL!
I see "All are Welcome" messages posted on church marquees throughout metro area, next to their empty parking lots, on Sundays.