Success is the inflection point between opportunity and readiness.
It looks like this.
After the debates last night, we can safely plot some prominent Democrat candidates on this map:
As Cernovich tweeted earlier:

Fetterman’s performance was so pathetic and cruel, I wouldn’t be surprised if people voted for him out of sympathy. (Missouri elected a dead man some years back, you know.) Nor would I be surprised if Fetterman announced he’d refuse to take office if elected. His brain damage was undeniable, as even neurologists and Chris Cuomo acknowledged after the debate.

In short, Fetterman won’t improve much beyond this.
Hochul (Governor of NY) and Whitmer (Governor of Michigan) also bombed last night, making Cernovich’s point: candidates Hobbs (AZ) and Shapiro (PA) were wise to avoid debates.
The problem is that Democrats have no ideas, only unrestrained emotions. And their strongest emotional pitch is to satisfy our innate desire for vengeance. “If elected, I will punish the people you don’t like, the people you’d punish yourself if you had the strength and the permission. I will give you permission and back you up with the power of the state.”
That bloodlust plays well to the Democrat base, but it’s a losing debate strategy as we saw last night. It’s a losing strategy because you can’t stand before a large mixed audience and promise to kill half of them, which is the length and breadth of your typical Democrat’s stump speech. Fetterman’s prisoner fetish promised to unleash millions of felons onto the streets of Pennsylvania and all across the United States. His stroke-damaged brain believes that’s a winning message.
If you trust betting markets, the Red Wave now seems more plausible than ever. After the debate, Dr. Oz surged and Fetterman collapsed on’s betting market:
That’s a 7-day view. The race went from inside the margin error to outside the margin of fraud.
Out in Arizona, Katie Hobbs has famously refused to debate Kari Lake. Josh Shapiro, running for governor of Pennsylvania, dodges the Republican Doug Mastriano. As with Joe Biden in 2020, they know their only hope is to hide until election night. They have opportunity, but they’re not ready to debate or govern. They hope 50% + 1 of the voters in their states are too distracted to notice.
All voters should now realize that the Democrats do not take governance seriously. Power? Yes! Money? Absolutely! Governance? That’s what Republicans do.
Let us pray American voters finally realize the Democrat Party is not just wrong, but evil.
I’ll leave you with this emblematic response from Fetterman in last night’s debate:

He’s the best Pennsylvania Democrats could do.