Boom! Missouri Court Rules Health Agencies Cannot Abolish Representative Government
St. Louis County's illegal mask mandate affected despite Sam Page's refusal to obey
Missouri’s Marxist Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) asserts that it is not bound by the Constitution, federal laws, or state laws. In short, DHSS believes it has dictatorial power to force its will on anyone in Missouri.
Missouri’s Cole County Circuit Court disagrees.
In Shannon Robinson, et al. v. Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Missouri argued that the rules of representative government do no apply to public health agencies. The court corrected DHSS’s hideous thinking:
This case is about whether the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services regulations can abolish representative government in the creation of public health laws, and whether it can authorize the closure of a school or assembly based on the unfettered opinion of an unelected official. This court finds it cannot.
(Read the complete ruling here.)
The DHSS regulation in question authorized public health officials, at their sole discretion, to impose any ordinance on any individual, school, organization, business, or other entity. The regulation further allowed any public health official to close any school, church, business, or other place of assembly at will.
The court’s summary judgement is statewide and mandates that the DHSS direct “to provide a copy of this [court] order to all local health authoritites throughout Missouri, and to post it with 19 CSR 20-20.010 et seq. [the illegal DHSS mandate] in places where the same is made publicly available by DHSS.
St. Louis County Vows to Disobey the Court
St. Louis County Executive Sam Page vowed immediately to ignore the court ruling and persist with his illegal mask mandate and other illegal measures.
As The Gateway Pundit noted last week, Page asserts that, because St. Louis County was not a party to the case in question, the ruling does not apply to him. He can do whatever he wants.
Via The Gateway Pundit:
Page issued the following the statement in response:
“We are aware of the recent court decision from Cole County. St. Louis County is not a party to that lawsuit. The next hearing in the St. Louis County mask case is November 30.
What a Nazi.
Today, we learned that Page’s health director called anyone who believes in the rule of law regarding mask mandates “lunatic fringe.” Also from The Gateway Pundit:
On Tuesday Dr. Khan, who lacks any long-term tenure on his resume and who is unlicensed himself, claimed in an email that the people who oppose his insane policies are ‘lunatics’.
TGP credits State Senator Dr. Bob Onder with exposing the rant:

BTW, “Doctor” Faisal Khan, St. Louis County’s health director, doesn’t have a medical license. His resume is about as checkered as a crack addict’s.
You Are Not Obliged to Obey Unlawful Orders
You cannot be prosecuted, fined, or harassed for disobeying an unlawful order. In fact, you’re morally obliged to defy unlawful orders.
On the other hand, elected and unelected officials like Sam Page and Faisal Khan have both legal and moral obligations to obey the orders of courts. Their refusal to obey the case law in the matter of mask mandates demands their removal from office.
Page and Khan must be gone.