Another one bites the dust
This is my last post on Hennessy’s View, at least for some time.
My work for the St. Louis Tea Party movement is very important to me and, in my opinion, to you. Our government is moving quickly to obliterate all vestiges of the free market republic that America once was. With the Republican party in disarray and the Democrat party in the hands of statist despots, the tea partiers are the only thing standing between liberty and tyranny.
I choose liberty.
To better focus my attention on restoring the republic, reducing the scope of government, and rewriting Congress in the 2010 elections, I am mothballing Hennessy’s View. I will continue blogging on St. Louis Tea Party’s web site.
Joining me on that site will be several other servant-leaders of the tea party movement in St. Louis. While I will miss writing about global warming nuts, pro-life movement, and party politics, I feel that God has put me in a position to make a real difference for our children and grandchildren. It would be a sin for me to ignore the opportunity and the duty He presents.
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Bill Hennessy