Pater Noster
The Lord’s Prayer in Latin intrigues me. I think it’s because it’s so easily understood to speakers of English.
Pater noster Father of ours Qui es in Caelis Who art in Heaven Santificetur nomen tuum Sanctified is the name of You Adveniat regnum tuum In the Advent of the Reign of You Fiat voluntas tua Your will be done sicut in Caelo et in terra On Earth as in Heaven Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie Bread, give to us our quota today Et dimitte nobis debita nostra And diminish debts of ours Sicut et nos dimittus debitoribus nostris as we diminish debts to us Et ne nos inducas in tentationem And let us not be pursuaded by temptation Sed libera nos a malo but liberate us from evil
While the common translation uses more familiar words and syntax, the Latin roots and syntax make the Latin prayer accessible to almost anyone. I'm not fluent in Latin, so I may have made some terrible errors, but I think most readers will understand the Latin prayer by these English words.
This is a prayer to memorize, even if you’re not a Latin Mass type. The rhythm of the language is soothing, and the words begin to take on a higher meaning.