Obama's Little Mind on Foreign Policy
Barack Obama proves he would be a dangerous commander-in-chief.
Two weeks ago, he told us that the United States is obliged to stay out of wars, even to prevent genocide. He would not have fought Germany in World War II unless Germany attacked the United States. He would not stop the genocide in Darfur or Congo. He would not have gone to Somalia or Bosnia.
That, again, was two weeks ago.
In last week’s YouTube debate, Obama told us that as President his first foreign policy blunder . . . move would be trips to North Korea, Chile, Cuba, and Syria. He clearly doesn’t understand how dictatorships work, thinking such visits would do any good for the people of those country. As was know, dictators capitalize on naive foreign leaders by turning state visits into propaganda devices.
Now this week.
Yesterday, Obama changed course again. Now he’s all for going to war with Pakistan. An AP analysis sees right through Obama’s stance:
This new policy is designed to show that Obama would be a tough commander in chief when times demand it, even though he opposed the Iraq war and wants to open a dialogue with foreign foes.
But Obama goes further than the analysis indicates. By invading a sovereign country without its consent and in violation of treaties, Obama would likely start a war with a nuclear power. The chain-reaction of such an invasion would be unpredictable and immensely dangerous. India could pre-emptively strike Pakistan, hoping to take out its nuclear missiles. Israel might do the same, drawing Syria, Egypt, Iran, and other into an all-out Middle East war. How would Pakistan’s other neighbors respond? How many men would join al Qaeda in response?
Ed Morrissey, blogging on Obama’s shifting stance, says this latest foreign policy gaffe ought to end Obama' career as a serious candidate for president. I agree. (See Ed’s links to Michelle Malkin, too.)
Barack Obama has evolved from curiosity to wonder to worry. His handle on how the world works is very loose and shaky. One more blunder, and even his race, curiousness, and “wonder boy” status won’t save him. Party leaders will have to look hard at the weak mind that lies beneath his polished surface.